
Namespace: WellFired.Guacamole.Unity.Editor

Implements: WellFired.Guacamole.Platforms.IPlatformProvider


An implementation of the Platform Provider for the Unity Engine Platform

Public Properties

string ProjectPath
string AssetPath
bool PlatformHasFocus

Public Methods

  UnityPlatformProvider ( string applicationName, string companyName )
IDataStorageService GetPersonalDataStorage ( )
IDataStorageService GetTeamSharedDataStorage ( )
string OpenFolderPicker ( string title, string folder, string defaultName )
string PathToSharedData ( string file )
string PathToPersonalData ( string file )
string[] FindAssets ( string search )
void SelectAsset ( string assetPath )
void ShowLocation ( string path )


  • string ProjectPath
  • string AssetPath
  • bool PlatformHasFocus
  • UnityPlatformProvider ( string applicationName, string companyName )
  • IDataStorageService GetPersonalDataStorage ( )


    With this, you can get some persistent data storage, you should be able to store strings of data in here. Think of it as a Key Value Store. This storage is personal because only used by a specific user/machine

  • IDataStorageService GetTeamSharedDataStorage ( )


    With this, you can get some persistent data storage, you should be able to store strings of data in here. Think of it as a Key Value Store. This storage is team shared because can be shared with the whole team through a vcs for example.

  • string OpenFolderPicker ( string title, string folder, string defaultName )


    Allow you to open a folder picker. Since it involves UI, for most platform this function should be called on the UI thread.


    title Title display on top of the popup window
    folder The folder that should be opened when the folder opens
    defaultName The default folder to return if no folder is selected
  • string PathToSharedData ( string file )


    Call this method to be returned the full path to a relative team-shared file. If your team-shared data is located at /path/to/your/shared/data, then calling the function with “Images/Doges.jpeg” will return /path/to/your/shared/data/Images/Doge.jpg.


  • string PathToPersonalData ( string file )


    Call this method to be returned the full path to a relative personal file. If your personal data is located at /path/to/your/personal/data, then calling the function with “Images/Doges.jpeg” will return /path/to/your/personal/data/Images/Doge.jpg.


  • string[] FindAssets ( string search )


    This method allows to search through the assets of the project.


    search String specifying how to filter the result. On some platforms such as Unity, it’s possible to specify the type and the label of the asset. For example, “co l:concrete l:architecture t:texture2D” will return all the textures containing “co” in their name and with labels concrete and architecture.
  • void SelectAsset ( string assetPath )


    This method allows to select a specific asset in the project.


  • void ShowLocation ( string path )


    Opens the explorer and displays the file or folder located at indicated absolute path.


    path The path of the file or folder