
We’ve tried to package .Guacamole up in easy to use familiar ways, for devs from all backgrounds, you can find it here packages as a Unity Package, a nuget package and you can also compile yourself from source.


You can currently only compile from source, a nuget package and a unity package will be provided along future releases, once we release our first non-alpha build.

Unity package

Coming soon

Download the latest .unitypackage from .unitypackage and extract it into your Unity Project. For importing instructions, refer to Unity’s documenatation

Through nuget

Coming soon

Install WellFired.Guacamole directly using either nuget on the command line, or nuget through your Favourite IDE

Compiling from source

1. To compile the project from source, simply open /solution/WellFired.Guacamole.sln and build with your Favourite IDE.

  1. This will build .Guacamole into the /unity directory.
  2. You can now open Unity and open the project in the /unity directory