
Namespace: WellFired.Guacamole.Unity



IApplication Launch ( UIRect uiRect, UISize minSize, string title = null, bool allowMultiple = true, string applicationName = “Guacamole”, string companyName = “Guacamole”, Type persistantType = null, Assembly[] externalRenderersAssemblies = null )
IApplication Launch ( UIRect uiRect, UISize minSize, string title = null, bool allowMultiple = true, string applicationName = “Guacamole”, string companyName = “WellFired”, Type persistantType = null, Assembly[] externalRenderersAssemblies = null )


  • IApplication Launch< TWindow > ( UIRect uiRect, UISize minSize, string title = null, bool allowMultiple = true, string applicationName = “Guacamole”, string companyName = “Guacamole”, Type persistantType = null, Assembly[] externalRenderersAssemblies = null )


    Will launch a window with the passed parameters


    uiRect The initial size of the window to be launched
    minSize The minimum size this window can become
    title The title of this window
    allowMultiple Can we allow multiple of these windows to be opened?
    applicationName The application name is used internally to cache application specific data
    companyName The company name is used internally to cache application specific data
    persistantType The type of Persistent data we want to provide to this window. Guacamole will handle instantiation and passing the data. Ensure you have a parameterless constructor on this type
    externalRenderersAssemblies Assemblies providing the attributes CustomRendererAttribute to import renderers external to Guacamole
  • IApplication Launch< TWindow, TViewModel > ( UIRect uiRect, UISize minSize, string title = null, bool allowMultiple = true, string applicationName = “Guacamole”, string companyName = “WellFired”, Type persistantType = null, Assembly[] externalRenderersAssemblies = null )


    Will launch a window with the passed parameters, This method will also cause Guacamole to construct an object of Type TViewModel and inject any systemic services. This ViewModel will be automatically assigned to the window as a binding context.


    uiRect The initial size of the window to be launched
    minSize The minimum size this window can become
    title The title of this window
    allowMultiple Can we allow multiple of these windows to be opened?
    applicationName The application name is used internally to cache application specific data
    companyName The company name is used internally to cache application specific data
    persistantType The type of Persistent data we want to provide to this window. Guacamole will handle instantiation and passing the data. Ensure you have a parameterless constructor on this type