
Namespace: WellFired



bool ValidRectRequest { get; set; }
IView Content { get; set; }
UIRect RectRequest { get; set; }
UIRect ContentRectRequest { get; set; }
string Id { get; set; }
UIPadding Padding { get; set; }
INativeRenderer NativeRenderer { get; set; }
UISize MinSize { get; set; }
UISize MaxSize { get; set; }
LayoutOptions HorizontalLayout { get; set; }
LayoutOptions VerticalLayout { get; set; }

Public Methods

void SetStyleDictionary ( IStyleDictionary styleDictionary )


  • UIPadding Padding { get; set; }


    Padding between the view RectRequest and its Content.

  • bool ValidRectRequest { get; set; }


    Flag to determine if RectRequest should be recalculated or not. This is used for optimization purpose to avoid recalculating the size requested by a view if there is no reason for it to have changed.

  • UIRect RectRequest { get; set; }


    Value used to place a view when rendering it. It is calculated while doing layouting of the different views. When layouting, we first set this value to the size requested by the view, this requested size includes the padding of the view. Then based on the available space we clamp it.

  • UIRect ContentRectRequest { get; set; }


    Define the space available to the content. It may be different from RectRequest if for example the content of the view is centered, or if the parent view has some padding.

  • string Id { get; set; }


    This is the id of the view. Most algorithm using it will consider this value to be unique for each views. So it is recommended to assign it with a random and unique fashion (GUID, incremental value), or with an arbitrary value for debugging purpose.

  • IView Content { get; set; }


    Child view usually rendered inside the bound of the parent view and on top of it.

  • UISize MinSize { get; set; }


    The minimum size a view can have with padding included.

  • UISize MaxSize { get; set; }


    The maximum size a view can have with padding included.

  • LayoutOptions HorizontalLayout { get; set; }


    How the view fills the available space on its horizontal axis

  • LayoutOptions VerticalLayout { get; set; }


    How the view fills the available space on its vertical axis

  • void SetStyleDictionary ( IStyleDictionary styleDictionary )


    Applies the styles defined by a dictionary to the view’s content and all its children.

